WhatsApp has been testing multi-device support for a long time, and their competitor Telegram already had this functionality, which was really simple and seamless to use. Although WhatsApp supported multiple devices, the primary device had to be connected to the internet at all times. With this new function, in addition to the primary device, four more devices can be linked to the same WhatsApp account without having the primary phone connected to the internet
Multi-device support on WhatsApp, which was introduced in July after months of internal testing, enables users to link their instant messaging account to a secondary device, such as a PC, laptop, or Facebook Portal. It particularly provides end-to-end encryption for conversations carried thru the secondary device. It is vital to remember that in order to obtain multi-device support and link your account to a secondary device, you must be using the latest WhatsApp version. This functionality is now in ‘beta,’ which may cause some instability for the time being. It is also limited to WhatsApp Web, Desktop, and Portal. This implies that WhatsApp hasn’t yet provided the ability to link an Android phone or an iPhone as a secondary device. However, it is expected that this functionality would then be added in the future.
WhatsApp officially states that it is in the early phases of rolling out multi-device support. That means some users won’t be getting this feature even if they are currently in the latest version of android. Fortunately, it is actually pretty straightforward to access the WhatsApp’s multi-device support.
On Android, it’s accessible via the ‘Linked Devices’ option, which can be accessed via the vertical three-dot menu at the upper right. Similarly, on the iPhone, the ‘Linked Devices’ option can be found on Settings.
The remaining of the steps are self-explanatory. You could easily connect your other devices, just as you had before using the QR code